ALM Skellig by David
Almond (see blurb below)
BAC The Ship breaker/Drowned cities by Paolo Bacigalupi (see blurb below)
BEA Dirt bomb by Fleur Beale
BEC All books by Bernard Beckett
BRO Saving Sam by Susan Brocker
CRE Walk two moons by Sharon Creech
DAT All books by Justin D’Ath
DEG The 10pm question by Kate de Goldi (see blurb below)
DLA The Last Dragon Chronicles series by Chris d’Lacey
EAR Being Billy by Phil Earle
ELL Diego, run! By Deborah Ellis (see blurb below)
FAL All books by Brian Falkner
FAL Tomorrow code by Brian Falkner
FLA Brotherband series by John Flanagan
FOR Boyznbikes by Vince Ford (see blurb below)
GAI The Graveyard book by Neil Gaiman
GRA Gone series by Michael Grant
HIL All books by David Hill
HIL My brother’s war by David Hill
HOL I am David by Anne Holm
HUN All books by Des Hunt
HUN Project Huia by Des Hunt (see blurb below)
JON Buddy/Juggling with mandarins by V M Jones
LAI Red sky in the morning by Elizabeth Laird (see blurb below)
LOR Lorient Legacy series by Pittacus Lore
MAR All books by John Marsden
MAR Tomorrow when the war began by John Marsden
MCK When our Jack went to war by Sandy McKay (see blurb below)
MOR All books by Michael Morpurgo
MUL Trash by Andy Mulligan
MY New Zealand Story/My Story series by Scholastic
NES Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness
NES A Monster calls by Patrick Ness
PAL Wonder by R J Palacio (see blurb below)
PAO Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini
PAU All books by Gary Paulsen
PUL His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman
REE Mortal Engines series by Philip Reeve
RIO Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
ROD Three doors trilogy by Emily Rodda
STE When you reach me by Rebecca Stead
SYZ A Winter’s day in 1939 by Melinda Syzmanik
THR Through my Eyes series (varying authors)
WES The Machine gunners by Robert Westall
Wonder by R J Palacio - Auggie Pullman was born with a facial deformity which prevented him from attending mainstream school – until now. Auggie feels normal on the inside but will his new classmates see past what’s on the outside to find that out? #1 New York Times Bestseller
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi - In America’s Gulf Coast region, where grounded oil tankers are being broken down for parts, Nailer, a teenage boy, works the light crew, scavenging for copper wiring just to make quota – and hopefully live to see another day. When he discovers an exquisite clipper ship beached during a recent hurricane, Nailer faces the most important decision of his life: strip the ship for all its worth or rescue its lone survivor, a beautiful and wealthy girl who could lead him to a better life. Award winning book.
When our Jack went to war by Sandy McKay - It’s 1917 and the midst of WWI when Jack enlists. 13-year-old Tom is envious of his elder brother, but he soon changes his mind as the reality of war becomes more apparent. Told through letters between the brothers. Good follow-on from reading My Brother’s War. Award winning author.
Diego, run! by Deborah Ellis - For 12 year old Diego and his family, home is the San Sebastian Prison in Cochabamba, Bolivia after his parents were mistakenly convicted of drug possession. Diego’s parents are locked up, but although he lives in the prison, Diego is not a prisoner – he is free to come and go. Then his sister runs away and things change for Diego. Award winning author.
Project Huia by Des Hunt - Logan has travelled to Ashhurst with his grandfather Jim, who may well be the last person to see a huia alive in Te Apiti Gorge, forty years after they were considered extinct. Jim has been contacted by Ana from the Te Whare Putaiao o Manawatu Institute. Ana is in charge of Project Huia and is passionate about confirming Jim’s sighting and maybe even gathering DNA from the dead bird’s body. So begins the adventure. Newbury Medal winning author.
Red sky in the morning by Elizabeth Laird - Twelve-year-old Anna is looking forward to the birth of her baby brother. Ben arrives, but is disabled and will never be like other children. Anna loves him with her whole heart but she finds herself unable to admit the truth of Ben’s condition to her school friends. Highly commended Carnegie Medal 1988.
Boyznbikes by Vince Ford - After being suspended from school, Callum ends up having to go on his Dad’s annual bike ride event to the place where his best friend died in an accident years ago. However Callum is in for more than he bargained for and finds out Dad’s big secret. Shortlisted for junior fiction award in 2007.
The 10pm question by Kate de Goldi - Frankie Parsons is 12 going on old man: an apparently sensible, talented boy with a drumbeat of worrying questions steadily gaining volume in his head. Are the smoke alarm batteries flat? Does the cat, and therefore the rest of the family, have worms? Is the kidney-shaped spot on his chest actually a galloping cancer? Frankie’s worries are based around his mother and her inability to leave the house. Won Book of the Year and Best Young Adult Novel 2009.
Skellig by David Almond - Ten-year-old Michael was looking forward to moving into a new house. But now his baby sister is ill, his parents are frantic, and Doctor Death has come to call. Michael feels helpless. Then he steps into the crumbling garage … what is this thing beneath the spiders’ webs and dead flies? A human being, or a strange kind of beast never before seen? The only person Michael can confide in is his new friend, Mina. Together, they carry the creature out into the light, and Michael’s world changes forever. Carnegie Medal Winner 1998.
BAC The Ship breaker/Drowned cities by Paolo Bacigalupi (see blurb below)
BEA Dirt bomb by Fleur Beale
BEC All books by Bernard Beckett
BRO Saving Sam by Susan Brocker
CRE Walk two moons by Sharon Creech
DAT All books by Justin D’Ath
DEG The 10pm question by Kate de Goldi (see blurb below)
DLA The Last Dragon Chronicles series by Chris d’Lacey
EAR Being Billy by Phil Earle
ELL Diego, run! By Deborah Ellis (see blurb below)
FAL All books by Brian Falkner
FAL Tomorrow code by Brian Falkner
FLA Brotherband series by John Flanagan
FOR Boyznbikes by Vince Ford (see blurb below)
GAI The Graveyard book by Neil Gaiman
GRA Gone series by Michael Grant
HIL All books by David Hill
HIL My brother’s war by David Hill
HOL I am David by Anne Holm
HUN All books by Des Hunt
HUN Project Huia by Des Hunt (see blurb below)
JON Buddy/Juggling with mandarins by V M Jones
LAI Red sky in the morning by Elizabeth Laird (see blurb below)
LOR Lorient Legacy series by Pittacus Lore
MAR All books by John Marsden
MAR Tomorrow when the war began by John Marsden
MCK When our Jack went to war by Sandy McKay (see blurb below)
MOR All books by Michael Morpurgo
MUL Trash by Andy Mulligan
MY New Zealand Story/My Story series by Scholastic
NES Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness
NES A Monster calls by Patrick Ness
PAL Wonder by R J Palacio (see blurb below)
PAO Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini
PAU All books by Gary Paulsen
PUL His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman
REE Mortal Engines series by Philip Reeve
RIO Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
ROD Three doors trilogy by Emily Rodda
STE When you reach me by Rebecca Stead
SYZ A Winter’s day in 1939 by Melinda Syzmanik
THR Through my Eyes series (varying authors)
WES The Machine gunners by Robert Westall
Wonder by R J Palacio - Auggie Pullman was born with a facial deformity which prevented him from attending mainstream school – until now. Auggie feels normal on the inside but will his new classmates see past what’s on the outside to find that out? #1 New York Times Bestseller
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi - In America’s Gulf Coast region, where grounded oil tankers are being broken down for parts, Nailer, a teenage boy, works the light crew, scavenging for copper wiring just to make quota – and hopefully live to see another day. When he discovers an exquisite clipper ship beached during a recent hurricane, Nailer faces the most important decision of his life: strip the ship for all its worth or rescue its lone survivor, a beautiful and wealthy girl who could lead him to a better life. Award winning book.
When our Jack went to war by Sandy McKay - It’s 1917 and the midst of WWI when Jack enlists. 13-year-old Tom is envious of his elder brother, but he soon changes his mind as the reality of war becomes more apparent. Told through letters between the brothers. Good follow-on from reading My Brother’s War. Award winning author.
Diego, run! by Deborah Ellis - For 12 year old Diego and his family, home is the San Sebastian Prison in Cochabamba, Bolivia after his parents were mistakenly convicted of drug possession. Diego’s parents are locked up, but although he lives in the prison, Diego is not a prisoner – he is free to come and go. Then his sister runs away and things change for Diego. Award winning author.
Project Huia by Des Hunt - Logan has travelled to Ashhurst with his grandfather Jim, who may well be the last person to see a huia alive in Te Apiti Gorge, forty years after they were considered extinct. Jim has been contacted by Ana from the Te Whare Putaiao o Manawatu Institute. Ana is in charge of Project Huia and is passionate about confirming Jim’s sighting and maybe even gathering DNA from the dead bird’s body. So begins the adventure. Newbury Medal winning author.
Red sky in the morning by Elizabeth Laird - Twelve-year-old Anna is looking forward to the birth of her baby brother. Ben arrives, but is disabled and will never be like other children. Anna loves him with her whole heart but she finds herself unable to admit the truth of Ben’s condition to her school friends. Highly commended Carnegie Medal 1988.
Boyznbikes by Vince Ford - After being suspended from school, Callum ends up having to go on his Dad’s annual bike ride event to the place where his best friend died in an accident years ago. However Callum is in for more than he bargained for and finds out Dad’s big secret. Shortlisted for junior fiction award in 2007.
The 10pm question by Kate de Goldi - Frankie Parsons is 12 going on old man: an apparently sensible, talented boy with a drumbeat of worrying questions steadily gaining volume in his head. Are the smoke alarm batteries flat? Does the cat, and therefore the rest of the family, have worms? Is the kidney-shaped spot on his chest actually a galloping cancer? Frankie’s worries are based around his mother and her inability to leave the house. Won Book of the Year and Best Young Adult Novel 2009.
Skellig by David Almond - Ten-year-old Michael was looking forward to moving into a new house. But now his baby sister is ill, his parents are frantic, and Doctor Death has come to call. Michael feels helpless. Then he steps into the crumbling garage … what is this thing beneath the spiders’ webs and dead flies? A human being, or a strange kind of beast never before seen? The only person Michael can confide in is his new friend, Mina. Together, they carry the creature out into the light, and Michael’s world changes forever. Carnegie Medal Winner 1998.